New Piazza map! Looks nice and sunny!

On the 24th January for Premium Elite members only (at the moment) a new DLC will be released. It will be completely free (you already payed for it in you elite membership) and comes with 2 maps:

Piazza, based on the coast of Italy. It reminds me of Estate (MW2) with a very vertical appearance and again the higher ground looks dominant but it also looks close quarters so its anybodies guess which weapons will be dominant but I’d put my money on the FAD or the ACR 6.8.

Libration, based in Manhattan. Looks to be the new Wasteland (MW2). Longer sight-lines means, the snipers will love it but the ‘run and gun’, rushing type will loath it! Could we see some sniping MOAB’s from talented snipers?

Liberation Castle a major camp site!

Throughout this season of new CoD content (9 months), every month the premium members will gain new maps, game modes, spec op missions and weirdly extent ion of the single player storyline. Looks to be an awesome year of CoDing! Watch the Elite video

What is your favourite map so far on MW3? Leave your answer in the comments: