Category: Games

My First MOAB!

A couple of weeks ago, after Christmas I got my first ever MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs/Massive Ordinance Air Blast) and I can tell you it’s a non-nucular weapon. I achieved it on the map Interchange (Not my favourite map!) on Kill Confirmed using the Specialist Kill-streak reward. My Class:

Primary Weapon- MG36- Silencer- Kick

Secondary Weapon- Stinger

Lethal- Frag

Tactical- Flash

Perk 1- Blind Eye

Perk 2- Assassin

Perk 3- Marksman

Specialist Stricke Package- Slight Of Hand, Quick Draw, Scavanger

I must admit I didn’t use just the LMG I ran out of ammo and picked up my mates ACR 6.8 with silencer, which got most the kills. At the time my heart was pounding and my hands so sweaty! It was a tense time. I have come close to second on Bakaara in Demolition, I was going 20-0 with a PP90M1 and Acr 6.8 both silenced. Then in the second round I made the mistake of rushing into their sporn and well, lets say it didn’t go well!

When and What map have you got a MOAB on? Leave your answer in the comments:MG36

New Piazza map! Looks nice and sunny!

On the 24th January for Premium Elite members only (at the moment) a new DLC will be released. It will be completely free (you already payed for it in you elite membership) and comes with 2 maps:

Piazza, based on the coast of Italy. It reminds me of Estate (MW2) with a very vertical appearance and again the higher ground looks dominant but it also looks close quarters so its anybodies guess which weapons will be dominant but I’d put my money on the FAD or the ACR 6.8.

Libration, based in Manhattan. Looks to be the new Wasteland (MW2). Longer sight-lines means, the snipers will love it but the ‘run and gun’, rushing type will loath it! Could we see some sniping MOAB’s from talented snipers?

Liberation Castle a major camp site!

Throughout this season of new CoD content (9 months), every month the premium members will gain new maps, game modes, spec op missions and weirdly extent ion of the single player storyline. Looks to be an awesome year of CoDing! Watch the Elite video

What is your favourite map so far on MW3? Leave your answer in the comments:

Angry Birds on TV

I hope skis come to the game

This Saterday will see a world exclusive, Angry Birds will air a short film on Nickelodeon (kids Tv channel) at 11am. Angry Birds Wreck the Halls is a Christmas themed program. When the evil Pigs take the birds Christmas presents Red and Bomb Bird try to liberate them and in doing so like the App wreck the Pigs Halls.

New MW3 game modes!

Robert Bowling, Community man reveals on twitter that new MW3 game modes are coming!

‘Ready for new game modes for Modern Warfare 3’ he asks to the public. ‘I’ve go some surprises for you for the weekend. I’ll confirm full details tomorrow’

The new game modes could be anything but for now all we can do is sit and wait like excited little boys. It’s like an early Christmas present!

Minecraft Lego?

”Seeing Lego Minecraft set is also our dream… Minecraft is about placing blocks to anything you can imagine in the virtual world. You can build anything you can imagine with Lego bricks in the Physical world. Minecraft and Lego were meant to be together.” Mojang revealed about a Minecraft Lego range idea. They invited some Lego fans behind previous Lego ideas to help with the designs.

”AS the Official Minecraft Lego Project, we will work with the Lego Group to secure a licensing agreement and donate 1% royalty from Lego Cuusoo to charity”

As you can see it looks more like an idea at the moment but I can’t wait till I get to build a Lego Creeper! Ssssssuper!

Modern Warfare 3:My Top Class (so far)

I’ve been playing MW3 for a while now and have racked up a decent play time. I’ve seen a few people’s classes and have adapted them to my liking and I now have an ultimate class (so far):

Primary: PP90M1-silencer-kick/range

Secondary: MP9-silencer

Lethal: Semtex

Tactical: Flash

Strike Package: Specialist- Slight of Hand, Quick Draw, Assasin

Perk 1: Extreme Conditioning

Perk 2: Hardline

Perk 3: Dead Silence

The idea of this class is that with your first kill of flag capture you get Slight of Hand to reload with speed. Then with your third kill of flag capture you get Quick Draw to aim down sight quicker and, or throw grenades quicker (pro-versoin required). At your fifth kill or flag capture you get Assasin to be invisable to UAVs and stay alive. Then on you seventh kill or flag capture you get all the perks in the game! You become a super soldier!

Forza 4: IGN pack

In December a Forza 4 car extension pack will be released. IGN’s and Microsoft’s team have joined forces to create a 10 car pack. The new rides include the classic 1957 Maserati 300 S. It will be released on December 6 and will cost 560 Microsoft points ($7) but if you have purchased the Forza Motorsport 4 Season Pass the pack is free! A Season Pass will cost you 2400 Microsoft points ($29.99) at Xbox live Market place. It guarantees you access to the six planned addition packs and more!

I wouldn't mind one of these beauties!

The planned cars are:

  • 2011 Monster Sport Suzuki SX4
  • 2011 Mazda RX-8 R3
  • 2011 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor
  • 1967 Chevrolet Chevelle SS-369
  • 1977 Ford Escort RS1800
  • 1981 Volkswagon Scirocco S
  • 1986 Alfa Romeo Spider Quadrifoglio Verde
  • 1988 Pontiac Fiero GT
  • 2010 Maserati GranTurismo MC GT4
  • 1957 Maserati 300 S

Minecraft: Why I play it

Minecraft seems a pointless game for many. It can be boring for some. Others like me really enjoy it. But why? Well firstly the blocky look if the game is so pleasing and clean. The freedom to build and destroy whatever and whenever you want. It’s your world and yours only. The things you can build, the towering and the widest walls. The fact it has things no other game has seen like the ‘creeper’sssssssso unique! Basically the freedom over you vast blocky world to make huge things and kill creepers is what I like.

What do you like about Minecraft? leave your answer in the comments:

MW3: at War with Hackers

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has gone to war with the dirty little hackers. Once you may have played a on-line game, and came across a guy who was flying or hiding in a rock. Most of these people are hackers and cheaters gaining an unfair advantage over us normal people. Well Activision says no more banning over 1600 people in the first few weeks of release:

”Any attempt to cheat,hack or glitch in MW3 will no be tolerated”, says creative strategist Robert Bowling on twitter. ”1600+ bans issued. Updates in works. Please cont. to report offenders.”

The hackers seemed to have gained the ability to exit the on-line map and hide in ‘unauthorised’ places.

”We will verify reports with in-game stats, in-game video recordings and other data to verify you were cheating” Robert bowling tweeted.

The bans have affected both PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 users. Rival game ‘Battlefield 3’ has had to ban players who found ways to gain thousands of points in matches.

MInecraft 1.0

Minecraft is officially out, after ages as a beta the world famous RPG adventure game is here. At MineCon creator Markus ‘Notch’ Persson flicked a giant Minecraft switch symbolising the release of Minecraft. The new released game has everything from 1.9 pre-release with some minor bug fixes. Some of the new stuff are: new achievements, Enderdragons and The End!