Iphone 4S looks the same as its predecessor Iphone 4

Yesterday saw Apple announce the iPhone 4S which will be released in the 14th of October. It has a ‘duel core A5 chip’  which is the most powerful iPhone processor ever this means it’s faster: surfing the web, going from app to app and for gaming. The new camera has an 8 megapixel revulsion, with a whole new face capture system. The camera also records better than previous iPhone. The new iOs 5 operating system has many features but probably one of the most popular things is the iMessage which allows you to message other iPhones for free! (like bbm on Blackberry). There is also a large increase to the pixels on the touch screen so high you won’t distinguish each pixel! More the reason to keep the screen clean!

So why blog about a phone? Well, I believe due to the new iPhone’s quiker processor, we will be seeing much better, complex  apps! So we may actually be seeing some decent First Person Shooters and some quicker paced driving games! What kind of games are you looking forward to? leave your answer in the comments: